Location:United Kingdom

About Zeldafan5000: Hi my name is Adam i love nintendo games anime Roll playing and food. if you ever want to talk to me or RP with me then please send me a message. RP info: Male 25 Race: Vampire Name: surrashu Interests: Rock music, death, treasure, Women, story: His parents were killed in front of him by a pureblooded vampire when he was 5 years old he was spared but cursed to be a vampire. At the age of 15 he realised the joy of death and wealth and went round the world spreading destruction everywhere he wnt. At the age of 25 he comes into the possetion of a mystical power stone which grants the holder near unlimited power, but they're is one person who can match him a diclonious called Errisu san, she can match the power of surrashu and many times the two have faught to near death but both still survive. surrashus powers consist of elemental abbilities PSI skills and of course the powers of a vampire, combined with the stone the world is in sire need of a saviour while surrashu still lives. ADZ